
The club is actively involved in all aspects of model railroading, from building intricate scenery to operating realistic train movements. Members enjoy regular operating sessions, educational clinics, and excursions to study real-world railroading. Learn more about SOC’s layout and activities.

SOC’s model railroad operations are driven by a Car-Card system, dispatched through JMRI software, and powered by Digitrax DCC. The detailed layout incorporates advanced signaling and adheres to strict GTW Rules of Operating standards. Effort is made to be as accurate as possible.

Club History

The SOC was formed in 1954 and is a Michigan 501c7 nonprofit corporation. Space was obtained on the second floor of the Grand Trunk Western’s Birmingham Station, and construction of the club’s first layout started in the fall of that year.

After 24 years at that location, the Grand Trunk Western sold the station, which became a restaurant, and the club lost its layout room. Development then started on the club’s modular layout, one of the first HO modular designs. The modular layout has been displayed at a number of train shows and at Greenfield Village’s Railroad Days event.

In 1982 space was obtained in the Baker Center, Clawson, a former elementary school. Construction of that layout began in early 1983. Monthly visitor’s nights were held and an Annual Holiday Open House was conducted for the public. However, the location was needed for other purposes and the SOC had to vacate the Baker Center in 1997.

A former boiler room was located at the Madison Community Hospital and after lengthy renovation layout construction began. A change in hospital management occurred and notice was given to leave at the beginning of 2001. Round robin meetings at members’ homes were held while searching for a new club room.

The present Hazel Park building was purchased at the beginning of 2002. The building underwent significant renovation and the current layout was designed and constructed over the next several years. 
